Walleye Base

Date: Spring 2022

Creator: Maddie Gondreau

Temperature: Cone 6

Atmosphere: Oxidation


Minspar 30%

Silica 20%

Frit 3134 20%

EPK 10%

Zinc 10%

Bone Ash 2%

Bentonite 2%

Heavy application produces a thick pool. This will have microcrystalline formations and high reflectivity/ glossiness. Colorants may be added for different variations in finish.

Walleye Teal

Walleye Base + 0.6% Copper Carbonate

Walleye Water

Walleye Base + 0.6% Teal Blue Mason Stain


Use of 0.6 grams of the mason stain in a small batch is very intense. It does produce a very rich blue color. Slow cool to mend pinholes, also increases crystal formations.

Walleye Lavender

Walleye Base + 0.6% Violet Mason Stain

Slow cool to mend pinholes

Walleye Mud

Walleye Base + 0.6% Manganese Dioxide (granular)


Heavier application gives glossier finish.

Walleye Fry

Walleye Base + 0.6% Red Iron Oxide

Notes: Heavy application produces a reddish finish, with some speckles/ streaks throughout.